Professional Brushes
Aluminum Back Wall Nylon and Stainless Steel Combo Brush 18" (MP-106NS)
Aluminum Back Wall/ Nylon Brush 24"
(MP-165C) Aluminum Back Wall / Nylon-Stainless Steel Combo Brush 24" (MP-167B)
MP Industries, Inc. introduces its new aluminum back brushes made of top quality plastic and aluminum for years of service. These come with two types of brushes. One is made with nylon bristles and the combo is made of nylon and stainless steel bristles.
Curved Wall with Aluminum Back/ Nylon Brush 18" (MP-8)
Curved Wall with Aluminum Back/ Polypropylene Brush 18" (MP-8PP)
Aluminum Back Stainless Steel Bristles 18"
(MP 114)
The new 18" algae brush is made of top quality aluminum and stainless steel bristles. It helps brush that stubborn algae off your pools and ponds.
Economy Brushes
Curved Wall Brush 18" (MP-10)
PVC Brush 10" (MP-7P)
Algae Brush Stainless Steel 10" (MP-7)
PVC Brush 5" (MP-11P)
Algae Brush Stainless Steel 5" (MP-11)